Thursday, April 30, 2009

OK Famliy...where are your entries?! We would love to see everyone and get some updates; like Andrew's article about his insane adventures published on an outdoor website; or Kevin's latest in SoCal; what about you Lix-you must be on the countdown! And where are Mario and Gordon these days, the two world travelers? Zak and Sam what's up with you two? We were hoping to see you a few weeks ago.
Our family is crazy busy and I am counting the days until summer when we WILL relax a bit. Yet it is fun to watch Ashton hit his "homeruns" in his first try with coach pitch baseball. Maxwell was urged to pitch for his team but he was scared he would hit someone. He finally did agree to pitch and surprised us all! He was awesome. His soccer team went undefeated and are the Season Champs. Tal was recruited by his rival team to play yet another season of basketball.  Between that and soccer, he tickles the ivory and loves scouting. Livi continues to be our cartwheeling ballerina and has been the first one to actually like playing the piano! Yea. Boston takes good care of Mr. Beaks, his new chick that was brought by the Easter Bunny.
Bruce and I are still missing Germany, but so grateful that we could make the trip. It was wonderful to see and thank the people who blessed our lives as missionaries sixteen years ago! And of course it was great to see mom and dad in action as missionaries in their homeland. Wow, talk about coming full circle. 
FYI: in the picture of the boys, Boston is wearing St. Pauli (Hamburg's people's team), Ashton is wearing Deutschland, Max is sporting Bayern Munchen (the team with the most championships as seen by the gold stars over the pocket area) and Tal is wearing Hamburg's Bundes Mannschaft.